The Mii Database:Copyrights

From The Mii Database

Copyright[edit source]

This covers the copyright policy we have here at The Mii Database, which covers how we would treat certain types of data uploaded, what punishments for uploading certain content, and what content may be allowed with fair use.

Please note that all contributions will be released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license, and that we are not affiliated with Nintendo, the Mii brand or Mii characters themselves - this is a fan wiki made for the purpose of writing accurate information about games that feature Miis. If any problems arise with copyright, please contact [email protected].

By Content we mean images, text, and files uploaded to the servers. By Topic we mean what the topic is about. By Copyright Law we mean the copyright law for the United States of America, due to that we are based in that specific policy.

Content[edit source]

Content as-in images, text, and files that are allowed are

  • Screenshots of the topic you’re talking about as long as you own the content or cite the source.
  • Logos as long as you cite the source or own that content.
  • Strategies/Tutorials you write yourself or cite.

Please note even if you cite the source depending on the website’s copyright policy you have used the image is from, the owner of the image can still take down the image, which is why it’s recommended to take your own screenshots/writr your own tutorials.

Content from the game/application the topic is about have some restrictions - these include citing where the game is from, listing the content as copyrighted, and that the content will be temporarily taken down if a DMCA takedown notice has been sent until either

  • The DMCA takedown is NOT from the owner, in which the content will be put back up.
  • The DMCA takedown is from the owner, in which the content will be deleted.

In-game content that is allowed include:

  • Renders/thumbnail from said game
  • Title/definitions from said game
  • Stats from said game

Content that is absolutely NOT allowed are:

  • Content NOT related to the topic
  • Content that is considered illegal in the United States of America. (Example: Child porn)
  • Content that is discriminatory to any group that was uploaded to trigger said group instead of the intention of educational purposes (Example: Adding a homophobic term to any off-topic page for the purpose of vandalism)
  • Content that is either the entire game, or model.

Depending on how severe the situation is, it could range from a verbal warning and a takedown to a perma-ban. If it’s illegal authorities may be contacted.

MiiDB Branding Usage[edit source]

Any content using any of the Mii Database’s content must be allowed by PicelBoi. To contact him, email [email protected].